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Writer's pictureHaoran Jiang

WR39A: EXTRA CREDIT - Six Blog Responses & Blog

Leslie Carrillo (Leslie Gabriella): First of all, Leslie has had a beautiful design of blog and very fancy style. your blog Only The Beginning is quite interesting and very well-organized. I very much appreciate your thought of procrastination’s harm to the improvement of writing: “One thing that helped me to improve my writing was to do one paragraph each day.” I totally agree on this point.

YuZhen Lang: I hadn’t thought about the extra benefits of this writing class based on Disney culture. You referred that "students write for expressing their idea based on their own understanding, which is a efficient way to strengthen thinking skill.” I was going to say something similar because I believe this course will be hugely beneficial to our critical thinking ability and creativity.

Kexin Zhang: I had not focused much on this class’ peer review section which you mentioned is very helpful. You said that this course will develop our peer review skills, which could help us be effective collaborators which I absolutely agree with. I believe this interaction will help us improve in all aspects.

Tayven Taylor: You had a very interesting blog with a good-looking if not too gaudy font. I really like your thought on the purpose of our syllabus. “The syllabus establishes how to do well in 39A. Which advises students to make sure that they put in effort and invest time into assignments, get help when needed, stay curious, and not procrastinate.” I have not thought about this aspect yet but I do believe that I should work more on our syllabus too.

Cicily Liu: I appreciate your comment that you feel more like a communicator. “I think communicators can put themselves in the reader's shoes better than writers.” I really love this point.

Samuel Choi: I have not thought that “talking to individual people allows people to speak my mind more confidently and not worry about a large crowd.” I think this method helps a lot and would like to practice it in the future.


In conclusion, I read Leslie Carrillo, YuZhen Lang, Kexin Zhang, Tayven Taylor, Cicily Liu, and Samuel Choi’s posts. Their posts are basically about introduction and self-reflection about why they are taking this course and latest experience with writing. I believe most posts are of high-quality, and some are very beautifully written with a succinct and easily understood style.

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