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This is my writing showcase page, albeit somewhat sketchily designed. I have made many efforts as well as progress thereafter. This page includes four sections:  1. Planning and Exploratory Writing; 2. Peer Review; 3. Self Review; 4. Revision. I hope you enjoy it.


This class is absolutely writing intensive but definitely worth it! I am going to showcase all of the writing I did in this semester in the following four sections.

Writing Showcase Page: Welcome


We read and review several blogs, films and videos from Week 1 to Week 6. We watch and annotate Kilbourne's Kilbourne's Killing Us Softly, the Beauty and the Beast edition of Disney, original iterations of Sleeping Beauty, the toxic masculinity article and the Disney Moana. Here are some of the works that we noted. We also note the podcast format and learn how to transform it into our own.


I honed my planning and exploratory writing skills for the better. Through annotation writing and exploratory writing, I learned about critical thinking ability and connect my thoughts with materials. Moreover, I learned so many new perspectives that help me better understand gender and its representation. It is fundamentally helpful to my future.

Writing Showcase Page: Text


Peer review is probably one of the most important and helpful processes in this learning session. We all know that although teachers are more professional and will give more solid advice, teachers' feedback is not enough. Peer review made me appreciate the connection between their writings and my coursework in terms that I often ignore. It forces me to engage in writing and fosters self-reflection, which promotes critical thought.

I received some feedback from others after writing my first draft and reviewed it by my peer. That's a brilliant idea because it shows me what can be updated. Others also have a more critical perspective, and they remind me what my organization, my transitions, grammatical mistake, or wordy bits are all like.

I remember Ethan Li-Zhen Kuo gave me some very harsh reviews that help me fundamentally changed my outline, arguments and wording. I am incredibly grateful for that.

Writing Showcase Page: Text


During my self-review, I followed the process in the learning tool and went over my paper again. I found quite a few loopholes in my argument. For instance, why is Disney always having a negative impact on children? Why is this influence is invisible but dangerous? There are also quite a few examples that are inappropriate. I also need more annotations in my essay.

I also added a few crucial citations to my essay. I found that I missed them in my previous drafts. These references can further prove my arguments in the essay as well as make it seem more academic, professional and persuasive. I am glad that I realized this problem.

Writing Showcase Page: Text


Before and after. I added a few paragraphs and revised some grammar issues based on feedback from peer review and my own proofreading. It is very useful.


I adjusted a few orders of my sentences in my final essay: "Over the passage of time, Disney shifted much as popular society evolved. Disney's positive transition in its past is more important than a cheerful conclusion, which is more modeling for audiences. Disney keeps growing and making more films. The concept of princesses who are more multicultural and multilateral is now being developed and developed. "


Writing Showcase Page: Text


Writing Showcase Page: Text
Writing Showcase Page: Forum
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